
Sunday 3rd July 2016

    • 19:00
    • 20:00
    • 21:00
    • 22:00
    Sunday Bridge@Alyth


    For more information contact Clive on 020 8361 5711

    • 09:00
    • 10:00
    Shacharit and Bagel Breakfast


    The Sunday morning Shacharit service starts at 9.00am in the Synagogue library.  It is a welcoming, inclusive, lay led service that includes time for discussion, learning and praying together.  Many take the opportunity to lay Teffilin at this time.

    After the service, the group meets for a bagel and coffee in the kitchen.

    • 10:15
    • 11:15
    Building Consultation

    10:15 – 11:15

    In advance of a possible planning application, we want to ensure that as many members as possible have the opportunity to see and discuss our proposed building plans which were shared at the AGM. Please contact josh@alyth.org.uk if you are planning on attending one of the meeting.

    • 10:00
    • 11:00
    • 12:45
    Sunday Morning Galim


    Dagim and Krishim
    School Years Rec-6. Our Sunday morning learning programme is a nourishing space for young people to build, develop and explore their Jewish identity. We also introduce the students to Hebrew, working with them to develop reading skills as well as familiarity with some of Judaism’s sacred texts and liturgy.