
Saturday 28th October 2017

    • 10:30
    • 11:00
    • 12:30
    Shabbat Morning Service


    Our regular Shabbat morning service is a contemporary Reform service led by one of our Rabbis, normally accompanied by our volunteer choir and the piano, with a combination of reading, chanting, song and reflection.

    On most weeks there is also a parallel service, meeting the different needs of the community. Occasionally these services take place in our main Beit Tefillah.

    • 09:15
    • 10:15
    Shiur: Parashat Lech Lecha - Is Circumcision a Thing of the Past?


    In this week’s portion we read about Brit Milah, the covenant of circumcision. At a time when an increasing number of Jews are choosing not to have their children circumcised, is it now an outdated ritual? How do we justify a gendered childhood ritual in a community which prides itself on equality as a core value

    Join Rabbi Hannah to explore traditional and modern sources and ask the question – is circumcision a thing of the past?