Welcome to the High Holy Days at Alyth
Click here for the Rosh Hashanah “in detail” booklet and guide to this years services and sessions.
You should now have received your tickets and the overview of our schedule in the post. If you have not received them, please contact the office on 020 8457 8794 or email alythadmin@alyth.org.uk.
Tickets and the overview schedule will not be sent to members who have not yet paid their 2023-24 membership fee. To settle your subscription, please call Deborah on 020 8457 8794.
Our programme of services and sessions for this year has been created to reflect the diversity of the Alyth community. There will be Choral, Kollot, reflective and family services, as well as study and mindfulness sessions, and a full programme run by our Youth and Education Team.
This year, we will once again offer activities at the Sternberg Centre, as well as making full use of the Alyth building.
Please note: Services and sessions will not necessarily take place in the same locations as in previous years. Please look carefully at the programme to ensure that you attend the style of service that best meets your needs.
If you are joining online, we encourage you to click here for our Kavannot of preparation on joining services from home.